Friday, August 8, 2008

Work, the Beginning

Work and working.. am into another phase of life after the educational phase. Which i always imagine, challenging and risky. So how am going to survive? I will not know until i try. So i pray to Allah to help me and guide me to get through this 'road of life'.

I remember something from the web about work that i read recently.. It's about the concept of work in Islam, that in Islam work is given special importance to the extend that it is as an act of worship in itself. Because Islam is a religion of worshiping the creator, with an essential part of that worship being working for survival. Allah tells us in the Quran to traverse the universe and make use of all the abundant resources that have been created for us.

Then the quran directs a message to humanity that it should contribute positively to the earth, that is, it should work to make use of what is created for its benefit:

[ That man can have nothing but what he strives for; That (the fruit of) his striving will soon come in sight: Then will he be rewarded with a reward complete. ]
(An-Najm 53:39-41)
One more thing about the concept of work in Islam that Islam orders its followers to be part and parcel of a working and productive society. The Qur’an says what means:

[and help one another in goodness and piety, and do not help one another in sin and aggression; and be careful of (your duty to) Allah.]
(Al-Ma’idah 5:2)
This tells us that we need to strike balance between worship and work and also not to forget our responsibilities to the society (means our Ummah). This remind us a lot of things that we used to forgot. We only thing work is for ourselves while the truth it is not. Working is about everything in Islam. So let's work everyone..