Saturday, May 9, 2009

Green Thinking: The First Step

Its GREEN again!

Green is a major issues that has been discuss by everyone in this planet. Me as a muslim as well as someone who shares this planet earth with all living things, as a Caliph who held the responsibilities must at least take one simple step on showing our support to help our beloved earth. Futhermore..islam is Green! naturally islam teaches the human how to live in harmony with the natural world. This is not something contrived or forced upon us, but an inevitable extension of living the islamic way of life.

Here is one simple's the easiest even a child can do this..

STEP ONE : Try not to take a plastic bag when you consume simple stuff (like candy, newspapers, soda etc etc).

Simple isn't it? Why i said this..u can always put those stuff inside your bag. I believe most of us always bring our own bag..since a simple stuff doesn't need a lot of space. Children can do problem with adult. I already do this for a long time..since i was studying in Uitm. This is one step to reduce plastic usage. Of course there always lots of other way..but again just try this one simple step..if each of us from Malaysia apply this..i believe we can reduce tons of plastic waste everyday.