Thursday, May 7, 2009

snip SNAP! we come!

This is an update of wawa n ensem kittens after a month..only three from four of them left. not sure if am going to sell them. i already gave all my heart to all of my bunnies.

FYI this is not a rabbit..jessica was her name. one of my little cousins. Her parents pay us a visit last weekend. She's cute isnt she? like my dwarf little :P :P (jangan marah aa makcik ana)

U can see umar laughing behind not sure what it is about though..but jess is cute!


Searcher said...

Salam aleykom wr wb.

Pretty bunnies.

I am a muslim from Iran. id you like to know What Non-Muslims Say About…Islam, I invite you to view my blog.

fi amanellah.

GreenSidekick said...

wa alaikumsalam brother..i've already visited ur blog.nice info..thank you for sharing. jazakallah

iceburn cartello said...

wsalam too~ brother.. if u want to have rabbit for ur dinner, dont shame2 to ask greensidekick for her rabbit~ she very good and very cheap heart person(pemurah)~ she want give me a rabbit also man~ come to malaysia, we can serve u a very nice dish~
nyam.... nyam... nyamm....

ako nak yg dalam tupperware tu elis~ AHAHHAhAH yg atas tu mak kita ek'? mak~ apa khabar~

GreenSidekick said...

tidak kendengarannnn~ (ade org taip pape ke???)