My Tamtam already given a birth to 6 beautiful kittens last night(means yesterday at11th february 2009). Time recorded around 11.30 to 11.45 pm..wahh it was so exciting seeing a lot of bunnies. Actually i don't what are they exactly since their daddy Bubu is a mix of Hare and Rabbit..
Hmm Tamtam kittens resembles all Bubu feature kittens born already with fur and they'll have teeth cute little bunny teeth..well its too early to say but i wish they'll survive my beautiful sweet little kittens ..
note: i'll share their picture later..since manje told me to keep observing the kittens for three days..again please pray for their health everyone *wink
Hmm Tamtam kittens resembles all Bubu feature kittens born already with fur and they'll have teeth cute little bunny teeth..well its too early to say but i wish they'll survive my beautiful sweet little kittens ..
note: i'll share their picture later..since manje told me to keep observing the kittens for three days..again please pray for their health everyone *wink
i always remember you love cats! nanti sis recommend i buy one where? because i would like to get one when i start working, hehe :p
I always love cats la dear madihah, cume akak nak merase bele rabbit lak.same comel same nakal cume rabbit leceh ckit hehe..mungkin xbiase lg kot.well ade byk tpt boleh bli rabbit..ade macam2 jenis rabbit pun.nnti mad btul2 nk bli akak story panjang ok ;)
eh silap la sis, i wanna get a cat, takmo la rabbit, mmg i heard leceh pun and besides, mmg nak sgt cat dari dulu but my parents dislike cats but now that i'm gonna work, and maybe get a place of my own b4 marriage, hehe, then i would really like a cat :D
haha :d cm tu kno prob la madihah..boleh dpt kat spca..ade website for adoption nk macam2 jenis pun ade hehe:d
infact ade forum pasal kucing..same je mcam rabbit :d
huhu tahnia..waupn ko xkwn lg z...da de ank da ko...smga arnb ko mkin bkembg...lech kew???xde la...mne de lech..sng je aku aku ok je arnb...=D pape pn gd luck
haha ampeh ko ali..ha ah anak la sgt.ko nk same spesies kan aku ngan arnab ke?ko superhuman aku superwoman ahaha(ade kaitan?) leceh la cmne pun bele kucing bole lepas je..entam bg makan ape pun survive.ce ko try buat arnab cmtu? tgk jadi ape? kweng kweng kweng :DD
thanks 4 posting ur comment :d
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