Friday, March 6, 2009

Bunnies Video Yeay!

This is today's video. I recorded it this morning, ummi requested me to bring them all inside our house so that she can play with them. So i took this chance since there aren't any video of these kittens yet.


Saviour-V said...

Saviour-V teleports in...

Cute little things. Only trouble is that they have such a short lifespan. I mean, we used to keep rabbits ages ago, until the dogs came and murdered every last one...*sigh*

Saviour-V teleports out...

GreenSidekick said...

Am sorry, that's very tragic death :(
but none of living things lives forever right.we ourselves have to face our own death sooner or later so no worries *wink

iceburn cartello said...

hmmmm... nyam nyam~! sedapnya~!!!

GreenSidekick said...

alamak..ade karnivor la pulekkk :d