Saturday, November 8, 2008

Something to Share

Title: Circle of Life
I made this last is about green(environment) and life within it. Butterfly symbolize living creature and the curvy circle with marble green means life. Both of this element should blend (symbiosis, etc <-- i am not a scientist to explain further on this) together to make a sustainable environment. Somehow i want to deliver a message on the importance of our green area..

Title: 247

This occurred when i am in a very depressing situation early of this year.. so i snap on a few images and do some editing. So this is part of the product...

Title: 'NOT SURE' not sure about this and why i made it. But obviously it show how confused i am during that time.

Reminder: This is just an amateur attempt..nothing to be serious about. But if u like it u can keep it, copyrighted from me though. I just hope i could do much more on poster editing, maybe soon ('',)


Anonymous said...

xedot..i lurrrve circle of life tu...cukup menarik, green-black-white..

huwaaa buat la utk aku satu..aku nak bubuh dkt header dull my header blog kan..