Thursday, December 25, 2008


Aha..this is my latest creation .. a hijabi emoticons which i try to represent it using manga style(not too good though but i can improve). There are so many expression not included yet and maybe i will complete it later.


wanderfulmadnificent said...

wah! COOL! u should totally do a website for it!! and my emots is from punkymood, copy some emots from there coz its soooo cute! but then again, ur already as creative as it is :)

GreenSidekick said...

Weh mane ade wohohoho mad percubaan amatur je :p

Anonymous said...

yup..definitely..its awesome it

GreenSidekick said...

Yo jue jgn gitu..biase je la..amek la klu nk..mmg kt post utk share pun :d