Sunday, April 5, 2009

Going Green?

It's been a very busy week for me..since i am unofficially involved with Go Green (originally Kauthar's idea for project for ISSA). Lots of work to do but i am enjoying it. It was fun because somehow it's like moving one step further into the environment..(Islam is Green!) though it seems very small contribution but actually we're promoting sustainable development in larger perspective. We need to take action even with one simple step..the world need our help, enough damages, let's heal and revitalize this world again.


Anonymous said...

salam xedot, gambar dkt header ko tu snap dkt mana? lawa lah tanah lapang tu..nampak mcm dkt upm je..

bestnya, aku teringin sgt nak pegi kawasan tanah lapang yang menghijauuu gitu..

GreenSidekick said...

wsalam jue..bukan tu kt amek kat website je tuh.ha ah rupe cam UPM kan.tu la kt pun nk jugak..pastu boleh main keja2 dgn kuda ke lembu ke cute gilerrr hihi :d